понедельник, 17 апреля 2017 г.

Граматичні таблиці

Те прилагательные, которые мы обычно усиливаем при помощи very, можно легко заменить на синонимы:

Very little (маленький) — Tiny (крошечный)
Very tasty (вкусный) — Delicious (восхитительный)
Very angry (злой) — Furious (разъяренный)
Very afraid (напуганный) — Terrified (напуганный до смерти)
Very tired (уставший) — Exhausted (изнеможённый)
Very hot (горячий, жаркий) — Boiling (кипящий)
Very hungry (голодный) — Starving (умирающий от голода)
Very big (большой) — Enormous (огромный)
Very cold (холодный) — Freezing (ледяной)
Very dirty (грязный) — Filthy (мерзкий)
Very good (хороший) — Great (замечательный)
Very bad (плохой) — Awful (ужасный)
Very nasty (мерзкий) — Dreadful (отвратительный)
Very important (важный) — Essential (существенный)
Very unusual (необычный) — Extraordinary (странный)
Very cheerful (радостный) — Hilarious (жизнерадостный)
Very expensive (дорогой) — Priceless (бесценный)
Very funny (смешной) — Ridiculous (смехотворный)

Традиції харчування в Україні

Тема : Традиції харчування в Україні
Мета : сприяти повторенню та активізації в усному мовленні лексичних одиниць та граматичних структур, систематизувати знання з вивченої теми ознайомити учнів з традиціями української кухні; розвивати мовні навички, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні   здібності; сприяти розвитку мовної здогадки; формувати комунікативну компетенцію учнів; виховувати поважне ставлення до національних звичаїв;
Тип уроку: урок узагальнення та систематизації знань.

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.     
1.  Привітання й повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Im very glad to see  you. I hope that people who really love English have gathered here! 
 2.  Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
It’s not a secret that Ukrainians are big eaters!
Ukrainian food is one of the richest national cuisines. Its dishes are well known far away from Ukraine. And the Ukrainian recipes of the foods are very popular nowadays.
In Ukrainian food borsch occupies the first place. The popular dishes are also cereals: millet, buckwheat, pumpkin etc. The modern national culinary art preserved the old good traditions. The popular dishes are also cereals: millet, buckwheat, pumpkin etc.
Let’s check how much do you know about food and cookery.
3. Фонетична розминка  
v And now let’s train our tongue, read tongue-twisters
[i:] – sweet, tea,  meat, cheese, beef
[i]- biscuit, , tin, chips
[ai]- pie, slice, kind, type, like, rice
[æ]- sandwich, salad, have, apple
[ei] – cake, break, plate, table
II. Основна частина уроку
Your home task for today was to find proverbs or sayings about food. Read them and translate into your native language

v Appetite comes with eating
v Tastes differ
v Live not to eat, but eat to live
             First come, first served
ІII.  Тренування учнів в усному мовленні.
Each nationality and each country has its national dishes, let’s remind the names of the Ukrainian ones playing a game ''YES OR NO''
Ukrainians eat borshch with sour-cream
Galushka is a fruit
To loose weight you should eat mlyntsi
Salo is a national Ukrainian product
Deruny is the second course
We bake pies in the frying-pan  
Ukrainians are great coffee-lovers
Most Ukrainians are vegetarians
IV. Робота в групах
You are divided into 2 groups, let’s call the first one “Apples”, the second – “Bananas”. I  have some difficult tasks for you ,we’ll  find the best group among you.

Task 1
ü  group the words into the columns
Mashed potatoes, herring, biscuits, mushrooms, chicken soup, varenyky with cheese, roast chicken, boiled rice, deruny, ice-cream,  borshch ,  hot chocolate, apple-pie, noodle soup,  green salad, whipped cream.

Main courses
First courses

Task 2      
ü  make your menu 
(the teacher gives blank templates of the restaurant menu)

Task 3       
ü  find the odd  word    
      Borsch, varenyky, pen deruny, holodets, lard
       Homemade sausage,pampushki ,golubtsi, butter, cheese, teacher
      Drinks, grilled vegetables, lamp,desserts, appetizers, ham
      Garnishes, book,meat, tea,water,yogurt
      Pudding,pizza, fish, door, milk, cucumber

So, let’s count the  points  to know what group is the best today! Well, it’s a group……My congratulations to you!
Task 4          
ü  make up the cluster
         Menu                                   Ukrainian cuisine 

V. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення 
And now we’ll describe some national dishes
1.      In Ukrainian food borsch occupies the first place, but not the single one.  For example the traditional Ukrainian food – borsch – contains 20 components
2.       Pork lard has many uses in cooking. Breads, biscuits, pies, and cakes made with pork lard come out especially delicious...
3.       Deruny is the second course.They are made from potatoes. We may eat them with sour cream.
4.       It is made from boiling pigs' trotters. The meat is picked off the bone and  cooled; served with horseradish or mustard.
5.      Golubtsi are  cabbage leaves stuffed with meat and rice, you can eat them with tomato sauce or sour cream
And so on….
VI. Розвиток навичок читання
Can you name the kinds of eating places in Ukraine? I’m sure you can!!!Begin!

VII. Презентації

Meet the administrator of the  restaurant
And now the administrator of the  restaurant
Do you like these projects?

VIII. Підсумок уроку       
So,what have we done at the lesson? What new things have we learnt? What was interesting/boring/unusual? Why? Who was the brightest pupil ?  I enjoyed the way you’ve worked today! I want to say that all of you were active and smart ,your marks are... because…Thank you! The lesson is over.
IX.Домашнє завдання
At home you’re to prepare a computer presentation “My favourite dish”.